Zumba Class Schedule
FREE Zumba Class
- Your 1st Zumba class is always FREE
Single Class
$13/per class

Frequently Asked Questions
How does my Zumba fee payment work?
Your Zumba fee is a month by month subscription payment.
You can cancel it at anytime through PayPal www.paypal.com you don’t have to contact Zumbacise.com.
We believe that it’s your membership and you have full control over the membership.
You can cancel, suspend or renew the membership at anytime without contacting Zumbacise.com or Belmars.
You can cancel it at anytime through PayPal www.paypal.com you don’t have to contact Zumbacise.com.
We believe that it’s your membership and you have full control over the membership.
You can cancel, suspend or renew the membership at anytime without contacting Zumbacise.com or Belmars.
Can I do other classes at your studio as part of my Zumba fee?
You’re entitled to take part in the following classes per month
- 12 Zumba Fitness classes
- 4 Circuit Training classes
- 4 Kickboxing Fitness classes
- 4 Yoga classes
What do I need to bring to a Zumba class?
Bring water, a towel and a Positive Attitude!
Do you store my payment information?
All payments are processed securely via PayPal https://www.paypal.com/webapps/mpp/ua/privacy-full
Our website does not store any payment details.
Our website does not store any payment details.
How can I cancel my PayPal subscription?
- Log in to your PayPal account.
- Click Profile at the top of the page.
- Click My Money, then click Update beside My preapproved payments to find your payment.
- Select the payment, and then click Cancel.
If you have a question about our program or fees. Please Contact Us, we’d love to hear from you.