914-426-0359 admin@zumbacise.com

Body By Belmars

Body By Belmars

Our next Body By Belmars program starts on Monday, February 27th

This program is FREE to all participants of the Zumba program 

Rules and syllabus meeting will be held on the following days and times:
Saturday, February 25th @ 10:30am
Sunday, February 26th @ 1.00pm

Our 12 weeks biggest loser program will help you shed the most pounds and get you in the best shape possible.
We will be providing log books, nutrition advice, fitness tests, motivational sessions, weight management, welcome kit and all the other things to help you succeed.

A special prize awaits the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place participants at end of the event.

Will You Be The Next Body By Belmars Winner!
If you’re interested in taking part in the event, please register at the studio with Christine or Peter.
Biggest Loser